contains the following tiddlers:
$:/Import!!popup-Untitled 1
$:/Import!!popup-Untitled 3
A* algorithm
A* for optimal sequence alignment
ABI: Advanced Algorithms for Computational Biology
ABI: Advanced course planned
ABI: Аlgorithms for Computational Biology
Abstraction or generalization
Academic misconduct
Academical roles
Advices on doing science
Algorithms and software notes
Algorithms visualizations
Alignment terminology
All notes
Altered state of mind: cases
AStarix optimal aligner
Basic bioinf datatypes
bibtex: AStarix: Fast and Optimal Sequence-to-Graph Alignment
bibtex: Exact global alignment using A* with seed heuristic and match pruning
bibtex: Fast and optimal sequence-to-graph alignment guided by seeds
Binary search
Bioinformatics or Computational biology
Biology or medicine
Black box vs Mechanistic models
Black list of academical BS
BWA instantiates the Seed heuristic
Capitalist cryptocurrency circus
Capitalized science, medicine and education
Celebrating scientific papers
Civilized happiness paradox
Collaborative activities
Comparison of Sequence-to-Graph Alignment Algorithms
Conceptual notes
Confusing self with others
Corporative academia
Custom Backlinks
Decouple problem statements and solutions
Destructive conversations
Donating blood
Dynamic programming
Economics schemes
Exact or specific
Exponential search
Features of a great CompBio paper
Flying equipment
Forces in academia
Free will
Free(dom) communication protocols
Full immersion first, regularity afterwards
Fundamental jokes
GDPR compliance
GDPR request to Google/DeepMind
General hints for algorithmic interviews
Goenka's Vipassana course
Good A* heuristic can speed up exponentially
Great but fameless thinkers
Great scientific directions
Hacking or thinking
Handbook for algorithmic interview preparation
Heinlein's competent man
Heuristic potential
Hirschberg's algorithm
How I choose scientific tasks
Industry before Academia
Informatics or Computer science
Knowledge organization tools
Light in the tunnel after coronavirus
Locality-Sensitive Bucketing Functions for the Edit Distance (2023)
Locality-sensitive hashing for the edit distance (2019)
Love vs romanticism
Mapping or Aligning
mapquik: Efficient low-divergence mapping of long reads in minimizer space (2023)
Mock interviews feedback
New Agers
Not science is fine
On competition
On writing
One dimension is not enough
Open hardware
Open problems
Open-source empowerment bias
Parachute rainbow
Paragliding resourses
Paragliding stalls
Permutations, Variations, Combinations
Personality types as dimensionality reduction
Porn coop
Practical FOSS phone
Principled approach to computational biology
Principled Bioinformatics algorithms
Problem generalization
Psychology notes
Research ideas
Revision of my A* paper titles
Sam Harris -- Free will
Science and academia notes
Science or academia
Seed heuristic
Simple health change
Skate skiing
Social networks
Society notes
Software primitivism
Sport notes
Synchronous or asynchronous communication
Systemic liability
Tasks for chlildren (5-15 years old)
THE book
The master algorithm for happy life
The meaning of life is...
Theory or Theorem of evolution
Three cultures - three cynicisms
TiddlyWiki resrouces
Tourists vs travelers
Tram or trolley
True but weak
Two-click TiddlyWiki with GitHub-pages
Who are the vegans?
Why this wiki?
Wikipedia TODOs
Writing a CompBio paper: principles
Конна езда (in Bulgarian)